
Two color lino cut print that says "Bikes Change the World" with an image of a person riding an Urban Arrow Family. Text in red and the bike in black. Andrew Alger - Product Designer - Denver Colorado

Today’s doodle is the first print from my most recent attempt to learn something new. For many years, I signed up for classes every summer.

Past classes:

  • Guitar

  • Swimming

  • Golf

  • Rubber Stamp Making

  • Spanish

  • Urban Planning

This may be a collection of failed hobbies. Out of the above list, three of them have stuck with me. I absolutely love to lap swim. I call myself an 80-year-old at heart, and that activity fits well. Urban Planning is increasingly becoming a passion as I wander the city and try to travel without a car. Early in the pandemic, I spent a fair amount of time making rubber stamps. It is a rewarding activity. The next level up is linocut.

Linocut and rubber stamps are low-cost entries into the world of printmaking.

It feels rebellious. The rough, bold linocut style lets you break free from expecting perfect realism. There's a punk-rock-like freedom in rough, imperfect lines and shapes. It is very different from my day-to-day building of digital products.


Design Philosophy: Notice & Do


Design Philosophy: Focus on the Craft